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The Founder Of Mtl Blog Reveals His Secrets In This Tells It All Interview

This Is How He Did It!?



chuck charles lapointe, mtl blog, narcity media, gentlemen 1st

Charles ”Chuck” Lapointe Reveals How Mtl Blog Became The Biggest Blog/Media Platform In Canada!

We can debate about the love and hate relationship that Montrealers have for Mtl Blog but as the old saying goes: ”Women lie, men lie but numbers don’t!

Read More: 5 Montreal Visual Artists To Follow For Some Daily Dopeness

Chris Kabeya, which is low-key one of my favourite Youtuber, has a channel called Gentlemen 1st. In his interviews with businessmen, he pinpoints the good or bad aspects of entrepreneurship and how his guests made it.

When you receive a notification saying: ”How to Build a Media Empire with Charles Chuck Lapointe” out of the blue, pressing play is not an option.


For those who don’t know, Charles ”Chuck” Lapointe is one of the founders of Mtl Blog.

charles chuck lapointe, narcity media, mtl blog, chris kabeya, mtl blurb

Cc: via Charles Lapointe’s facebook page


In 5 years, their blog generated millions of unique visitors whether from Montreal or the rest of the world. Most recently, they’ve launched Narcity Media which operates in different cities across Canada.

In the digital world, their brand is omnipresent. Social media has no secrets for this media company and when you get to this level, you can’t please everyone.

Whether you hate their content or not, on a business standpoint, their accomplishments speak for themselves.


We always point our fingers at them for the way they introduce their content. Unfortunately, we never salute the groundwork and vision that made it possible for us to have a good or a bad opinion about their brand.

Kabeya has this particular way to get the right answers from the right people. Charles Lapointe is not known for giving too many interviews. They usually circle around the use of click baits or any other accusation against Mtl Blog.

In this interview, Mr. Lapointe opens up about the hardest challenges him and his partner had to face. He also explains that he sees Narcity Media as a potential platform for increasing tourism across the globe. Basically, you get the real deal with the founder and a lot of precious insights.


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5 Highlights From Charles Lapointe’s Interview

1- Mtl Blog Was His First Business

It was far from an overnight success but it’s amazing to see your first business venture become so big so quick right!

2-Narcity Media Operates In 12 Cities

As much as people argue about the format of their platform, there are 12 cities across Canada enjoying it right now.

3-Charles Lapointe Explains The Overall Format Of A Narcity/Mtl Blog article

What you use as click bait or spammy is in fact based on a performance perspective from the authors & publishers at Narcity Media. Their goal is to create content to make people click and share. He wants his readers to be excited about the content and engage them in the process.

4-Narcity’s Meaning Is Revealed

It actually stands for: being narcissistic about your city


5-Narcity’s Goal Is To Be A Leading Brand For Travellers & Tourists Around The World

They definitely have a chance to make it happen!

What Do You Think?

What do you think about Narcity Media has a potential international platform? Do you think it’s doable? If so, could you tell us why?

Let us know in the comment section now!

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This Year Malefycia Is Colliding Horror And The Bible To Make The Thrill Of Halloween Real Again




Malefycia Is Restoring The Feeling, One Spooky Scream At A Time

Long are the days when I was cruising down the streets on October 31st either looking for candies to devour for 3 weeks straight or even as an adult looking for a popping club where I could tell people ”My costume is ME tonight”.

The truth is, I think Malefycia restored something that I thought was buried inside me. They reminded me that not only I liked Halloween but I just couldn’t find an alternative in my adult life to spark my curiosity on one side and get the thrill going on the other.

Malefycia been around for a minute but this year they’re trying something different…I mean different.


You’re familiar with the 7 sins in the bible don’t you? You’re aware of what a haunted house is supposed to be don’t you? Well, something in their team had the genius and actually vicious idea to combine these two things who might have nothing to with each other on the outside looking in but in this new adventure/haunted house experience; it all make sense!

their show called V7CE is cross theatre performance, cross the most scary thing you’ve ever seen. The show includes different scenes and interactive plays putting on the forefront the 7 sins from the bible.

What always stand out to me when it comes to Malefycia, is there raw and authentic attention to details.

Do yourself a favor and come immerse yourself in this universe and your inner child and your thrill-seeking inner adult have some fun.


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Myraï Lavoie Is Taking The Fashion World By Storm With The Glitch Fashion Show



Myraï Lavoie

Myraï Lavoie Is Creating Her Own Universe And You’re Invited

What I appreciate the most about my work is the fact that I get to meet great minds & humans with a powerful story and this time around, I got to cross path with the talented Myraï Lavoie.

Read More: Tawhida Tanya Evanson: When Words Can Really Give You Wings

The city has been quiet fashion wise over the years and as platform that mostly talked about fashion in its inception, we’ve felt it the most over here.

There would be sparks of hope here and there but besides Festival De Mode & Design, not a lot of things really stood out.

When I heard about ”The Glitch” it’s like I knew what it was about without nothing what it was about.


I mean good branding is good branding but it was more so who’s behind the good branding this time around. I had the chance to work with Myraï Lavoie in the past and one thing I can is : there’s a method to her madness.

Every artist has an eye and that eye is shaped by our views of the world and life experiences. Myraï had an interesting life.

One where being different is actually the move. One where if you don’t fit somewhere, you don’t try to get in the mold, you bend it.


For all the lack of support or misunderstand she got in Montreal, she found a place to be creative working or being in room with the likes of Paris Hilton & P. Diddy to name a few.

What she’s learned from coming out of her shell and experiencing the world she’s about the share it with us with her own fashion called ”The Glitch” tonight.

”The Glitch” is exactly what I thought it was going to be. A standout experience and experience and something you’ve never seen before just like its creator.

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The 50th Anniversary Of Les Grands Explorateurs Presents A Touching Documentary Exploring Africa And Its Wonders

An Amazing Story by Amazing Creators!



Milan Bihlmann et Muammer Yilmaz. les grands explorateurs

Les Grands Explorateurs Is Celebrating Africa In A Real Way!

Curiosity has to be the most incredible human quality there is and Les Grands Explorateurs has been putting it on the forefront for the past 50 years!

Read More: Isabelle Mugwaneza Desmarais: An Unlikely Journey For An Unlikely Unique Success Story

We are now entering an era where we want to know more about what is going on on the other side of the world.

How people are living, their culture and what is their reality compared to ours.

Sometimes the depiction of such reality is either unfair or made to look down at somebody. Other times, filmmakers have the challenge to depict a reality in a way to uplift what other cultures are bringing to the table.


Milan Bihlmann and Muammer Yilmaz are two filmmakers who know where they stand when it comes to that.

Rêves D’Afrique” is the epidemy of that. The two filmmakers decided to go to 7 countries in Africa to not only paint the picture for the world but to give the good people out there something we forget to give one another : ”a piece of yourself’.

Armed with a backpack, film gear and true altruism, the duo spread love and good deeds wherever they could throughout their trip.

Watch The Trailer


Les Grands Explorateurs being this platform to uncover the world made the right choice by adding this beautiful piece to their program.

Up until November 1st, you still have the chance to see the beautiful piece in theater and then online starting November 2nd.

Tickets Here

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